Roads & Traffic
Sampy’s Hill Pavement
You can check out the plans of proposals as discussed at the PC meeting on the 18th January below, prior to the public consultation later this year. REMEMBER these might not be the final plans. Keep an eye out for additional information her, on the PC noticeboard outside the Drs surgery or the Parish Council Facebook page.
- Overview
- Top section (lowenna entrance)
- central section
- Bottom section (Carlidnack junction)
Speed sign at Boskensoe junction
We have been asked why the speed signs moved when the 20mph limit went into place and that immediately on the junction it now changes from 20mph to 40mph on the hill, going out of the village – an accident just waiting to happen in many opinions.
We have been asking Highways, given that from what we could see the planning process was followed by the developers of Lowenna Fields to change the 30mph zone, for a reason why this 40mph sing has moved back down the road. The attached email explanation has come back to us … if anyone can make sense of it please let me know!!
Feb 2023
20 is Plenty
Everyone in the parish should be aware of the nationwide initiative for ’20 is plenty’ which aims to see speed limits in any residential area lowered to 20mph for the safety of non-vehicular users.
Well, from this our Community Network Area (so Falmouth, Penryn & the rural parishes) have been taking part in a Phase 1 rollout of an across-the-board reduction to a 20mph limit for all residential roads that were 30mph. This has now been in place for a couple of months and, as part of the phase 1 consultation Cornwall Council are looking to the wider community for feedback on the phase 1 trials.
The message from Cornwall Council is ‘SLOWER IS SAFER’ and will start to be backed up with an information campaign to promote the possible countywide rollout of the 20mph zones.

Residential roads and built-up areas should be 20mph. 20mph provide many road safety, social and environmental benefits. Slower speeds help to promote liveable streets and encourage active travel. This will support Cornwall’s ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030. Benefits to our customers and communities include:
- Making our streets safer. This will reduce casualties and community inequality
- Increasing child and adult activity levels. This will improve health and wellbeing
- Providing a safe environment. This will encourage more people to walk and cycle
- Supporting climate change declaration. This will include lower emissions and tackling congestion
- Creating a stronger sense of place
The most effective way to improve pedestrian safety is to reduce the speed of vehicles. This is according to The World Health Organisation. Between 2015-2019, speed was a contributory factor in 992 collisions in Cornwall. This resulted in 1529 casualties (all severities). Sadly, this involved 36 fatalities of which 4 were pedestrians 2 of these within a 30mph limit. A further 264 resulted in serious injuries. This involved 7 pedestrians, all within 30mph and 11 cyclists, of which 8 were in a 30mph limit.
Changes to the Highway Code were made that will have an impact on all road users.
H1 – it is important that ALL road users are aware of The Highway Code, are considerate to other road users and understand their responsibility for the safety of others. Everyone suffers when road collisions occur, whether they are physically injured or not. But those in charge of vehicles that can cause the greatest harm in the event of a collision bear the greatest responsibility to take care and reduce the danger they pose to others.
H2 – Rule for drivers, motorcyclists, horse drawn vehicles, horse riders and cyclists
At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. Drivers MUST give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing, and to pedestrians and cyclists on a parallel crossing. Cyclists should give way to pedestrians on shared use cycle tracks and to horse riders on bridleways. Only pedestrians may use the pavement. Pedestrians include wheelchair and mobility scooter users
H3 – Rule for drivers and motorcyclists
You should not cut across cyclists, horse riders or horse drawn vehicles going ahead when you are turning into or out of a junction or changing direction or lane, just as you would not turn across the path of another motor vehicle. This applies whether they are using a cycle lane, a cycle track, or riding ahead on the road and you should give way to them.
You should stop and wait for a safe gap in the flow of cyclists if necessary. This includes when
• approaching, passing or moving off from a junction
• moving past or waiting alongside stationary or slow-moving traffic
• travelling around a roundabout
Reporting witnessed driving offences.
Aware of the changes to the Highway Code and have a dashcam fitted or have recorded it whilst walking/cycling on your mobile? If you notice any road traffic offences such as dangerous driving, driving without due care and attention, careless driving, using a mobile phone handheld, not wearing a seat belt, contravening a red traffic light or contravening solid white lines you could be able to upload your footage and make a full police report. Operation Snap can be used to report these incidents yourself. For full details follow the link…..
Parking at Durgan/Bosloe and Nansidwell have been brought up more and more over this winter. Please remember that there are people living and making their living on these roads who require not only personal access but access for delivery vehicles, refuse collections and large farm equipment. We also need to ensure Emergency Services can get through at all times.
We ask that you park safely at all times and do not block to roads.