Community Groups
Mawnan Xmas Lights – Light Up – 1st weekend in December. Meeting are held from August to raise funds for the lights and plan for the switch on. All are welcome. |
The Rendlesham Trust – Mrs. Anne Matthews (secretary) 01326 251000 The Trust is a registered Charity and exists in order to provide help for residents in the Parish of Mawnan. The Trust may be able to assist residents who are disabled, handicapped, sick, convalescent or in need by possibly providing or paying for items, services, (such as utilities/hospital transport) or facilities, (such as heating), to alleviate their suffering or to help their recovery from illness, for example by the provision of a Lifeline Alert. |
Mawnan Art and Crafting Group – Bobbie Parker – OR Avril Stokes 2nd/4th Thursdays in the month 1pm to 4pm local, informal group including painters, crafters and ceramicists looking for new members. £5 maximum charge per session (lower charge dependent on numbers) to include cost towards hiring hall and refreshments. |
Mawnan Mother’s Union – Mrs Mary Cockeram » branch leader 01326 250726 2nd Wednesday every month Part of the international Christian membership movement supporting families and communities in need of support in the UK and worldwide since 1876. |
Mawnan Lunch Club – 01326 330350 Last (ish) Thursday of the Month Cooked by our very own Zara who has 35 years experience being a Chef. For more information or to book please give us a call on 01326 330350 |
Mawnan Craft Market – Val Tunwell on 01326 250802, e- mail Runs for 2 weeks at the start of August (exact dates TBC) 10am to 5pm in the Memorial Hall. Open daily from with over 70 stalls of quality art, craft and produce from around Cornwall. Teas, coffees, light lunches, cream teas and delicious homemade cakes are available in the tearoom. |
Friends of Meudon Woods – A small local community group is looking to recruit some more members to help County Farms manage one of our valuable local woodlands. Our aims are to improve access/footpaths and increase the biodiversity and amenity value of this wood. All welcome and diverse skills are required (woodland, administrative, wildlife). |
Mawnan School Nature Garden – Jilly Pridmore (headteacher) From some tired raised beds and a ripped polytunnel to an active garden for the children on the community. Growing, harvesting, experimenting and (best of all) eating, the new garden was established in 2021 and is already an oasis within the grounds. Any kind of support welcome |
Mawnan Garden Club – Janet Smith 250527 We hold talks on a variety of gardening related topics in the winter, and visits to local gardens in the summer. New members welcome (£12 per annum) . Guests welcome for evening talks (£5) |
Mawnan W.I. – Gill Druce (president)01326 250688 second Thursday in the month in Mawnan Memorial Hall at 7:15pm Following a short ‘business meeting’, we have an invited speaker or entertainment. The evening finishes with cup of tea or coffee and light refreshments. The Annual Subscription is £44. Visitors are always welcome and will be charged £3.50 |
Mawnan Village Show – Mid to late September (TBC annually) Categories for fruit & veg growing, photography, cookery (yes, and jam makingl), floral displays and lots more – special children’s classes. Schedule usually available by August bank Holiday around the village. |
Mawnan Allotments – Some plots still available – whole, half or shared. email to contact or come up to the site at Durgan Xroads and talk to the plotholders they might even be generous and send you away with produce! |
St Mawnan Bellringers – Tony Grimmer – tower Captain 01326 250787 every Tuesday for practice at 7.30pm We are a friendly bunch meeting every Tuesday for practice at 7.30pm – all ages and abilities are invited to come along and give it a go. Perhaps you are a ‘returning’ ringer or complete novice – everyone is invited to come. Youngsters would need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Full training and instruction given. Once you have experience, you will be eligible to ring on a Sunday morning when there is a service and also at weddings. Although some of us attend Church, it is by no means mandatory — so don’t allow that to be a reason not to come! |
Mawnan Brownies & Rainbows – Jean Whetham Mondays during term time at 4- 5pm. Mawnan Methodist Church Come along and try it out – gain confidence and try new things in a fun and supportive setting. Be prepared for adventure! |
Mawnan Film Club – Rod Allday – 07775737473 7.30 on the 4th Friday of each month Regular film showings, suitable for all the family. From popular new releases to golden classics there will be something for everyone. Curry night (usually tying in with the film choice) 3-4 times a year. |
Helford River Scout Group Lucy Heffernan – 01326 251499 or ( |
Mawnan Smith Cricket Club, Carwinion Playing Field, Carwinion Road, Mawnan Smith Barry Pitman (secretary) – 01326 315542 or Nets during the season, April – September on a Monday or Wednesday. New members welcome aged 12 & upwards. We run one midweek team & one team on a Saturday |
Mawnan Bowling Club, Carwinion Road, Mawnan Smith Niall Murphy – 07775813252 New members always welcomed. Playlng flat green bowls in the summer and indoor carpet bowls in the winter. Free trial sessions available with no obligation – equipment can be borrowed. |
Children’s Sailing Trust 01326 702326 or Uses Sailing & watersports as a tool to help children develop confidence, competence & resilience to reach their full potential through watersports |
Mawnan Smith AFC, Carwinion Playing Field, Carwinion Road, Mawnan Smith Kevin Bate (secretary) – Training on Wednesday in the season (floodlit pitch) 2 team each weekend new members welcomed. |
Mawnan Chess Club, The Red Lion, Mawnan Smith Mick Ferrie – 01326 250403 or The Chess club meets in the Red Lion every Wednesday night at 7.00pm all are welcome to join. |
Gig Rowing Club, Ferryboat Beach, Helford Passage, Mawnan Smith Nikki Grove (membership) on ( Rowing Practice every Sunday at Ferryboat Beach, 3 gigs all welcome. |
Walking Netball, Mawnan Primary School, Shute Hill, Mawnan Smith Marion Collins – 01326 250267 Meets every Thursday afternoon 3.45 to 4.45pm all are welcome to join. Great fun plus a great way to keep fit. |
Tennis Club – Budock Vean Hotel Linda Capone – trebahtennis@aol.c0m Trebah Tennis Club is a friendly club with two open sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Sunday morning. We run two club tournaments during the year in the spring and autumn. |