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Council Tax increases & PC spending.
To help you understand why our parish precept has gone up this year go to our ‘Council Expenditure‘ page to see our current & upcoming budget as well as a pie-chart to explain where we spend our money. There’s also a full explanation to the budget in our December 2023 minutes.
Parish Councillor Vacancies –
We now have a single vacancy by co-option, following the casual vacancy notice. We managed to fill two existing co-option vacancies at the March meeting – well done & welcome ladies
Info on the Sampy’s Hill traffic proposals-

The following was the how the PC has responded to County after talking to the Memorial Hall trustees
Unfortunately having sent this round to the PC/MMH Trustees … the general view is that unless changes are made that decrease the proposed loss of parking spaces there is no way forward with the current plans. I have had it made clear that no further online meetings would be agreed to unless there was the opportunity for such changes on the table.
We simply cannot afford to lose what the hall see as vital on street parking, essential for their continued viability. This was made very clear when negotiating Lowenna Fields development and as such a carpark was included in the original planning application as a community benefit package along with a pavement. More’s the pity that the Inspector gave this away and opened the window for a new developer to remove it all from future plans.
I’ve been told to thank both you and Adam Knuckey, for his help and attendance at our PC meeting (which was not to our mind the public consultation), and say that we are disappointed that Highways are not prepared to discuss alternative options but would be happy to have a further meeting should this situation change. Hopefully if suitable land becomes available for a carpark in the future that the question of a pavement could be reviewed.
If you want more information on what being a councilor means please click on the Information tag above.
Voting in Future Elections – casting & counting
Photo ID needed to vote in elections from May 2023. The government has introduced a new requirement that voters will have to show an accepted form of photo ID to vote in a polling station. From 4 May 2023, voters in England will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections. This will apply to: - Local elections -Police and Crime Commissioner elections -UK parliamentary by-elections -Recall petitions From October 2023 it will also apply to UK General elections. If voters don’t have accepted photo ID, they can apply for a free voter ID document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate. Click here to apply.
Remembrance Service 2023 – just dodged the rain this time round. Cllr Potter, our new chairman, took the lead this time along with Catherine Arrondell & Libby Reed representing the church in the absence of Rev’d Johanna. Smaller attendance than usual – but it was on a Saturday so that’s to be expected. Great thanks to the parents who managed to coax their little ones along and everyone who got volunteered to lay wooden crosses.
Next year we might try to put up notices closing the road for 15 minutes – it was a bit noisy with a large number of vans going past. Lucky the postie moved on this year!

Village Defibrillators –

Mawnan Parish Council – Accessibility Statement
This website is run by Mawnan Parish Council. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:
• zoom in up 300% without the text spilling off the screen
• navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
• navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
• listen to most of the website using a screen reading (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver)
We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand. AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
How Accessible is this website?
We know that there are still some issues with parts of our website. . Please let us know if you are having any problems and we will try to rectify them as well as providing immediate assistance.. Likewise if you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, Word, large print, easy read you can contact us through:
Email: clerk@mawnan.org.uk
Tel: 01326 251022
Address: Mawnan Parish Council, Mawnan Memorial Hall, Sampys Hill, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth TR11 5EW
We’ll consider your request and get back to you as soon as possible.